I made this succulent terrarium one weekend in about an hour. It was so easy anyone can do it. They are a great piece and adds character to any room. Just remember they need lots of sun so by a window is always favorable. Succulents are also super easy plants and don't need much attention so if you don't have a green thumb they are the plants for you. Go to your local garden nursery and pick up the following items and make your own.

Glass container with wide opening (my sister made mine)
Rocks (you need them to layer the bottom of the terrarium about 1-2 inches)
Succulent mix Soil
Sand (optional)

1. Fill the bottom of the terrarium with rocks (about 1-2 inches for drainage)
2. Place succulents where you want
3. Add succulent mix soil (does not hold onto moisture and is good for desert plants)
4. Add a layer of sand
5. Water once a week (add fertilizer to water as directed)